Saturday, December 11, 2010

December 11, 2010

My Dad (as he does everyday), sister, Jeremy, and I went to visit Mom today. Both her blood pressure and temperature were stable all day. She was able to rest for small periods when fluids and machines weren't being changed but, was very alert overall. She is able to move her arms and legs quite readily when she wishes or is requested to.  Savannah and I talked to her for quite a while and as we were leaving we had the most lucid response that either of us have seen from her since the accident. It is amazing how special even mouthing the words, "I love you"  can be. The next important move other than the acceptance of further grafting is the full function of her kidneys. The quicker she can function on her own, the better she will be in the future.She still has a very long and painful road to follow but with her famous determination and our love we can all beat this.

Dad is healing well though he finds physical therapy to be challenging. Just so that all is clear to those of you who read the blog avidly, Dad is living in Mesa about ten minutes from the hospital. He is also receiving treatment through outpatient therapy and visits Mom several times throughout the day. My blog is generally based upon the information that he shares of Mom's progress so that my sister and I can convey it to all of our wonderful and caring friends and family.

As a side note today, I would also ask that you keep my two year old niece Bailey in your prayers. She has her own battles, even at such a young age, with kidney function and currently a blown ear drum as a result of an infection. I ask for your prayers for her sake and because my Mom would ask your focus to be put on this little angel rather than herself if she were given the chance.

Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for all of your support.


  1. Your Mom has been an inspiration to us and all that have followed her progress. She has been remarkable through out and so have you Katrina. It won't be long now until you will be communicating with her and what a joy that will be for all of you.God bless you and your Mom and Dad who has also been very strong!!

  2. You are all so brave and I know that your Mom and Dad appreciate all the love and support that you constantly give to them. They will once again be a happy-go-lucky couple. This difficult time will just be part of your history and the sun will shine very brightly again. Our prayers never stop.

  3. Katina, As I read your message to all of us I can not begin to explain the tears of joy I have as I type this message. Your mom letting you and Savannah know how much she loves you is such a great gift to all of us. I so look forward to seeing her and letting her know how very much I love her. She is the most giving and kind person I know. She reminds me of my mom. May god watch over all of you and may your heart be filled with joy today. I love all of you so so very much. Love KK

  4. Continued prayers for your family I hope your niece and Mom continue to heal.

  5. Visited Nadine today 12/12/2010. Though she didn't know we were there, to keep her calm, she gave us more inspiration today than ever. We were able to watch her move her arms on her own and lift her head and shoulders up away from the bed. She was way more animated today than we had seen her in previous visits.Thank you Nadine for making our day. We love you all.

  6. I was so glad that I was able to quickly visit with you. I am so glad to hear that your mom and dad are both trying to stay strong! Our continued prayers go out to your whole family.

    V. Howe

  7. continued prayers for your mom from Florida.

  8. Hi, I just stopped in from NieNie,and read the story of your parents accident. I put a prayer request for all of you on facebook.
    Sending you thoughts and prayers.
